Keeping people from lying is quite simple reports the Business Insider .
I’m sure many of you know the process of filling out an auto loan or tax document and at the end there’s always a statement that you have to sign affirming that ‘the facts you presented are true and correct to the best of your knowledge’, right?
Well, recent experiments have shown that people who sign after they fill out their information are more likely to lie about the information requested than people who sign that statement of honesty before they fill out their information.
The Universities of Harvard, Duke and Toronto researchers wrote:
…simply moving the signature line from the end to the beginning of a form will bring one’s moral standards into focus, right before it is most needed…by the time individuals have filled out the form, they have already engaged in various mental tricks and justifications that allow them to maintain a positive self-image.
Does promising something before you do it actually promote honesty and truthfulness?