Let me ask you a question and please be honest; doesn’t it bother you when the doorbell rings and someone has showed up unannounced and tries to sell you something? I’m confident everyone reading this agrees that’s not how you want to be approached. Then why do salespeople do that to their business customers?Salesperson – “Hi Pat. I was in the area and thought I’d pop in to say hello. Do you have a few minutes to talk because I’d love to tell you about…blah, blah, blah.”All too often people agree to give up some time because they don’t want to appear rude but here’s a newsflash for the offensive salesperson – they aren’t listening to you! They’re wondering why they didn’t honestly tell you they didn’t have time to see you and are counting the minutes until you leave.Holding successful sales calls entails setting the stage because you want to be in front of people who want to see you and believe you might just be able to help them or their business.So how do you set the stage? A little pre-call planning and understanding psychology goes a long way.Common courtesy dictates you contact a client (current or potential) to find a date and time that works for both of you. I always suggest doing this by phone because it allows you to inform them about why you want to see them and find out if there are any things you should be considering in advance.Salesperson – “Hi Pat, it’s Jim. I was calling to see if we could find a time when I could stop by. I’d like to find out how things are going and share with you some things I think you’ll find very interesting.”A big reason to make this initial contact is to give the client time to think about you, your company, and your product or service. Next, follow up immediately with an email thanking them for their willingness to meet with you, confirming the date and time, and giving them some information to look over and think about. Make sure to ask them if they will look at it in advance because when they say yes, the likelihood they will do it goes up. This approach taps into the principle of consistency – people feel internal psychological pressure and external social pressure to be consistent in what they say and do. Salesperson – “Thanks for making time to see me next Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. To get the most out of our time would you take a few moments to look at the link below?”Setting up the sales call like this also taps into a psychological concept known as priming. Simply sharing information beforehand can change how people think and behave. Resend the original email on the day of the sales call to remind the client of the time and ask if they’ve looked at the information you shared. If they haven’t already they’re very likely to in response to your email. Again, they don’t want to meet with you and not have done what you asked.As the meeting starts, again, thank them for their time. Allow them the opportunity to share what’s on their mind before you launch into your presentation. After the meeting it’s always a good idea to send a follow-up email. The reason for this email is to confirm any sale, agreed upon next steps or action items. If you came away with a different impression than the client this is the time miscommunication can be dealt with.If you’re a salesperson I challenge you to try this approach to a sales call. Clients and potential clients will appreciate you respecting their time. You’ll also have the benefit of a much more productive meeting because your contact will have had three or four opportunities to think about your offer.Brian Ahearn, CMCT® Chief Influence Officer influencePEOPLE Helping You Learn to Hear “Yes”.
Influencers from Around the World – The Power of Influential Questions
I met Dan Norris in August 2004 when I attended the Principles of Persuasion Workshop®. Dan was the workshop facilitator and did a terrific job. He’s been a Cialdini Method Certified Trainer, one of less than two-dozen worldwide, for 15 years. In addition to being a CMCT® Dan has been the Director of Training for HOLT CAT since 2003. I invited him to contribute to Influence PEOPLE because of his vast knowledge of ethical influence. I know you’ll enjoy his writing and learn a lot from his post. If you’d like to connect with Dan reach out to him on LinkedIn or Twitter.Brian Ahearn, CMCT® Chief Influence Officer influencePEOPLE Helping You Learn to Hear “Yes”.The Power of Influential QuestionsI can admit it freely now: I’m a notorious eavesdropper. Whether at an airport, grocery store, or restaurant, I delight in listening to the discussions of others. I try to soak up every juicy detail, every interpersonal conflict, and every persuasive pitch that reaches my ears. It’s amazing what people will actually discuss in public—topics ranging from the mundane to the downright absurd. I like to believe I’m a student of human behavior, but the truth is, I’m just really nosey. Over time, I learned more than just the latest gossip: I realized people spent the majority of their time “telling” others what they thought and very little time asking questions. In many cases, we spend enormous amounts of energy arguing points others already agree with. We are just too busy “telling” to listen to what others have to say.I reflected on myself. Was I any different? (Spoiler alert: Nope.) I thought about all the times I belted out what I thought I needed to say. I’d deceive myself and say “I’m just telling you how it is,” oblivious to others needs or perspective. Looking back, it took me significantly longer to get things done when I would “cut to the chase” and tell. All too often, I felt I had to rehash issues several times before they were finally resolved. Of course, I used to think others were slow or didn’t “get it.” The truth is that I was the slow one. My lack of questions and assumptions made it exceptionally difficult for me to hear what others were saying—and modify my behavior accordingly.After this realization, I read every book I could find on questioning and communication. I attended seminar after seminar on the subject. I also spent mentored with people who asked great questions (I’m looking at you, Larry Mills!). It made a tremendous difference in my life—especially in terms of how I influenced others. One memorable example of how questioning changed my influence approach came while coaching an employee named Harvey. At the time I was the new director of training at a large equipment dealership. It was common for me to spend time coaching others to reach their developmental goals. However, this situation was different. The supervisor shared with me the person frequently made disparaging remarks about his co-workers, and appeared to have a very “negative attitude.” At the end of describing the employee’s behaviors, the manager leaned forward and curtly shared that “This is his last shot. I’ve told him A THOUSAND TIMES that he needs to change and he hasn’t. If you can’t help him, he’s out.”I gave the meeting a lot of thought. In the past, I would use the same template that many others use—tell the employee they have a problem, tell them what the problem is, and tell them what will happen if the problem isn’t resolved. They would reluctantly agree to the findings of the meeting and leave. Sometimes they changed…sometimes they didn’t. Then it hit me—his supervisor probably “told” him 999 times too many. Despite failing each time, his supervisor continued to use the ineffective approach of “telling.” I’m sure it lead Harvey to be as frustrated as his supervisor.I decided to use questions in this coaching session to change the direction and try to salvage the working relationships. To avoid falling back on my “telling” habits, I made a list of all the things I could gain by asking questions:Questions reveal information I don’t already know.“Telling” only shares information I’m familiar with…it doesn’t reveal how others are feeling, their perspective, or provide opportunities to influence. Questions help me better listen to the needs, interests, and positions of others.Questions influence others to make commitments.When I ask questions of others, they make commitments about what they feel and believe. If I say what needs to happen, others can doubt me. If I get others to tell me what needs to happen, they feel more committed to the solution. Dr. Robert Cialdini’s landmark book Influence: Science and Practicecalls this the Principle of Consistency.Questions involve others in the conversationTelling pushes people away. Questions invite others into the discussion. People want to express themselves and be heard. They are more likely to listen to me if I listen to them first.Questions influence people to reframe how they view the situation.Questions are highly persuasive. They are excellent ways to ethically influence others to experience private, inner changes about how they view a situation. Another take away from Dr. Cialdini’s work.I reflected on these four reminders. “That makes sense,” I thought. “Now how the hell do I use it?” Channeling sage advice from a dear mentor, I resolved to write down several questions ahead of our conversation to prepare. When the time came, Harvey sat down sheepishly in my office. I could see in his eyes that he expected another didactic lecture about his behavior. After offering him some water, I pulled up a chair next to him. “Thanks for meeting with me, Harvey. Before we get started, would you mind if I asked you some questions?”“Sure,” said Harvey in a skeptical tone.“How clear do you think I am about what happens in your department on a daily basis?”Harvey tilted his head and appeared surprised by the question. “I suppose you don’t know a lot about what goes on directly…probably only what you’ve heard.”“I’d certainly agree with that,” I said. “What role do you see me playing in our company?”Harvey thought some more. “Well, you’re the training guy. I guess you’re responsible for helping people grow and get better.”“You’re right,” I replied. “I work with people at all levels of the company on their performance. Since you and I don’t work closely together, I want to make sure I have some clarity about your goals before we move forward. I wouldn’t want to make any recommendations without understanding your plans for growth. How does that work for you?”“Makes sense,” he replied. His body language became more relaxed. His shoulders dropped, and he became more comfortable in his chair. “Great,” I said. “Now I hope you stay with us for your whole career. Whether you work for the company for five, 10, or even the next 30 years—what do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be known?”Harvey paused in thought for a moment. “Nobody’s ever asked me that. I guess I would like to be the ‘go to’ person. I’d like to be the person that others would trust coaching new employees or handling difficult tasks. I want to be the person that is a ‘slam dunk’ for the next promotion.”“I’m sure you have the talent to do so,” I replied. “That said, I’d like to ask you another question: When you use disparaging and negative language about others, how does that match the vision you just described?”He paused as his eyes widened. “I never thought about it like that. I guess it doesn’t.”“You’re right,” I acknowledged. “How does that behavior position you as the next best leadership candidate?”He began shaking his head. “Well, I guess it doesn’t make me a strong candidate. I never thought of it that way. I was just trying to be funny—I didn’t mean to upset anyone.”It was clear that Harvey was beginning to see things differently. “The past is the past, Harvey. We all make mistakes or send messages to others that we don’t intend. Going forward, what are some things you might do to change your behavior?”Harvey began discussing ideas that he could change. His entire demeanor changed. He became energized and focused. He wanted to make the changes. He wanted to fit the vision he had for himself. We talked for some time as he created an action plan for himself. I had one final question before we ended our meeting. “I know that you’re the type of person that can make changes like this happen. There is no doubt your capable of rebranding yourself. However, I think it’s important to reflect on what may happen if you choose not to change. If you don’t go through with these changes, what the consequences would you expect?”Harvey sat back in his chair thinking. “Well,” he thought, “I imagine I’d be up for disciplinary action. I’d expect to be written up.”I was floored—his honesty was as surprising as it was refreshing. I committed to support and coach him. He was energized and ready to work on his relationships with others. I called his supervisor to fill him in on our discussion. He was dumfounded. He couldn’t believe Harvey was receptive. He laughed and said, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”Harvey did change —dramatically. He took ownership for his behavior and worked very hard to repair the relationships he had with others. Harvey had no idea how his behavior affected others. True to his vision, he now leads others and is a sought after coach.Dr. Cialdini’s Principle of Consistency—influencing others to make a choice or take a stand on an issue—was the primary reason Harvey changed his behavior. Questions revealed new information, involved Harvey in the conversation, influenced him to make commitments, and reframed how we all saw the situation. It ethically changed the way we viewed the situation and provided a win-win for everyone involved.I’m sure you have a “Harvey” in your life. What questions are you asking them?
Dan Norris, CMCT®
“Improv” Your Sales with Improv Comedy
For Jane’s 50th birthday, her big surprise gift was an eight-week workshop on Improv comedy for the two of us. Believe me, she was surprised! I thought it would be a great thing to experience together, that we’d meet interesting people and would laugh a lot. Mission accomplished on all fronts! The course concluded with a show at The Funny Bone Comedy Club in Columbus. Working with 10 people in a safe space week after week is different than doing a live show in front of friends, family and strangers, so we were both a little nervous about that. But, we had so much fun we signed up for another course and concluded our second Improv show in late February. As I reflected on the Improv experiences we enjoyed together, I saw interesting parallels between Improv comedy and sales. Even if you don’t consider yourself a salesperson the reality is every one of us sells ideas and ourselves daily. Practice. I can’t imagine reading a few books on Improv or following a blog for a period of time then trying to perform in front of a live audience. Practicing in a safe space with a teacher was a huge confidence builder for all of us. And we learned quite a bit from one another as we observed each other on stage. Salespeople traditionally hate anything remotely close to role-play and think reading about sales or attending a seminar will give them all they need to succeed. Wrong! The more you role-play the more ready you are for a sales call as long as your scenarios are realistic. I’ve also seen where salespeople learn as much, if not more, from each other during the training.Unscripted. Improv is short for improvisational comedy, which is unscripted. When you improvise you are creating in the moment and Improv is all about taking what’s given to you then creating a funny reality. Quite often audience members shout out people, places and things leaving the people on stage to use their imagination to construct a funny scene. You don’t know what will be thrown at you onstage and that’s the same when it comes to sales calls. You don’t know exactly what might come up before, during or after a sales call. You don’t know what objections you might be hit with so you need to be comfortable responding in the moment. The longer you’re in sales the more situations and objections you’ll face and the more comfortable you’ll be in dealing with whatever comes at you. Just as more practice and performances help comedians, so it is with salespeople.Study. Great comedians don’t just wing it even though they might improvise. Through study and observation they learn what makes something funny and why some jokes fall flat. They draw from the world around them so the audience can relate and understand their jokes. Imagine a comedian making jokes about King Henry the 8th and England in the 16th century. That probably won’t go over as well as jokes related to the present and politicians people know something about. By the same token, good salespeople understand their customers, their needs and speak to both. Good salespeople study their craft and learn how to speak persuasively so the customer “gets it” just like the audience gets a joke. Timing. Timing is crucial in comedy. Two comedians can tell the same joke but how they set it up, how they deliver the punch line and exactly when they deliver the punch line can make all the difference between laughter and silence. Sales are very similar. Two salespeople can say essentially the same thing and for one it comes across in a natural, conversational way but for the other it feels like a pushy salesman. Timing is also very important when it comes to closing a sale. When to close can vary based on many things and there is some “art” as to what you do to close the deal. Do it too early and prospective customers recoil because they feel like they’re being sold. As Jeffery Gitomer likes to say, “People don’t like to be sold but they love to buy.”Yes, and…When people hear Improv comedy one of the first things you’ll hear them say is, “Yes, and…” Improv is much more than this little phrase but it’s one of the first concepts you’re taught. In order to make a scene work you’re told to take whatever is given to you and build on it. Nothing kills a scene quicker than rejecting what someone has said or done. Sales is similar in that shutting someone down, rejecting what they say, insisting they’re wrong and you’re right, is a sure way to alienate them. “Yes, I can understand why you feel that way and…” then transition into something to hopefully get the other person to start seeing things differently.So if you want to succeed in Improv or sales remember to be PUSTY (Practice, Unscripted, Study, Timing, Yes). And one more thought to consider: Everything I just shared applies to parenting. Give what I just shared a quick reread and see if you get what I mean. Most of us are not handed a training manual when we become parents so we figure out quite a bit as we go along. I believe these same principles I’ve just outlined can help you be a better parent.Interested in learning more about Improv? If you live in the Columbus metro area I encourage you to reach out to Jeff Gage. He was a great teacher and it was apparent he loves what he does because, despite doing this for decades, he laughed as much as anyone during our workshops and shows. Reach out to him to see when his next classes will be held. It’s guaranteed you’ll have fun, meet interesting people, and laugh a lot. There’s not much better in life than that!
Brian Ahearn, CMCT® Chief Influence Officer influencePEOPLE Helping You Learn to Hear “Yes”.
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