People make decisions and behavior modifications everyday based on certain reasons they feel are justifiable. If you were to dig deep enough, you would most likely be able to figure out why you do the things you do…or rather why you think you do the things you do. You see, there are certain things that happen in our environment that influence our behavior purely from a subconscious standpoint, bypassing the thinking brain completely. Because of this, the cause of that particular behavior is often inaccurately attributed to something else our conscious brain picked up on. The interesting part about this, is that you can create these types of behavior adjustments in other people without them even knowing it. This is the art of psychological manipulation.
Lets say you’re raising money for a business and are trying to get someone to donate. Based on this persons interests, you know that they might not want to donate to your cause. To prevent this from happening, you can make use of an NLP technique that’s designed to subconsciously implant the idea of donating money inside this persons mind. This can be accomplished by slightly adjusting your tone when saying certain words to them.
For instance, you could mention seeing people donating blood at the pharmacy around the corner when you were driving over to your bank. Saying something like “I saw a sign that the pharmacy put out asking people to donate blood while I was on my way to the bank to deposit some money this afternoon.” This type of statement would most likely just be considered small talk by the other person. However, when you lower your voice slightly when saying the words “donate” and “money”, giving them a more commanding tone, their subconscious mind will pick up on this command giving you a better chance of getting a donation from them.
This is an extremely powerful psychological manipulation technique, that can become even more powerful the more you use it before you ask for the donation. The more embedded commands you’re able to use, the better your chances of success will be. Now I know this technique seems quite simple, and in a lot of ways it is, but you’ll need to practice using it on a smaller scale first to get the proper tone down. At first, lowering your tone on certain words will probably sound unnatural and honestly a bit odd, but that’s just due to your lack of practice. The more you use it, the more natural it will sound to yourself and others. Before long, you’ll be able to use this tactic to influence the behavior of anyone you want at the drop of a hat.
Of course this is just one of many different psychological manipulation techniques you can use to control certain situations you might run into on a day to day basis. When combined with other tactics that I will be discussing soon, you’ll be able to accomplish virtually anything your heart desires.
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